Mi detox espiritual, un gran libro /My spiritual detox, great book
Hoy terminé un libro y un ejercicio de 21 días para mi alma, Lavado de Conciencia de 21 Días de Beddie Ford. Estos días han sido los últimos de un largo proceso que comenzó hace unos meses y se los recomiendo ampliamente. Es una guía que te facilita el dejar lo que hay en tu pasado que te detiene a seguir adelante, y todas esas ataduras mentales que limitan tu mayor potencial. Te acompaña en el proceso de limpiar tu ser, soltar lo que no puedes controlar y dejar que la magia de la vida que llevas dentro pueda fluir expresando tu único e increíble ser.
El libro empieza con una introducción de algunas paginas y después una lectura muy corta y ejercicios para cada uno de los 21 días. Es un proceso que puedes llevar a la profundidad que tu quieras y hacerlo cuando estés list@. No planeo arruinarte la sorpresa ni crearte expectativas, así que te dejó que lo pruebes y lo experimentes tu en tu momento y a tu manera. Sólo te comparto algunas de mis oraciones favoritas del libro: (en inglés mas abajo, mañana pongo la traducción ;) )
Today I finished a great book and with it a 21 days exercise for my soul, The 21 days Consciousness Cleanse by Debbie Ford. A few months ago I entered a tough process in my life, these 21 days were the last ones and it was just what I needed to take the next step in my life. I highly recommend you to read this book and experience this process on your own. It is basically a guide that enables you to let go of those things in your past that are keeping you from moving forward, as well as those believes in your mind that limit your highest potential. It accompanies you during the process of cleansing yourself, guiding you on letting go all that which you can’t control, and allowing the magic of life and the magic within you flow to express your unique and incredible being.
The book begins with a few pages intro followed by exercises and short readings for each of the 21 days. It is a process that you can take as deep as you want to and do it whenever you feel ready for it. I’m not planning on ruining the surprise or generate false expectations, so I just leave you on your own to go and experience it for yourself. Here share with you some of my favorite lines of this book by Debbie Ford.
“When your flame is low, you are vulnerable to repeating behaviors from your past and perpetuating beliefs that imprison you behind walls of limitation.”
“The comfort of the self that you know, even if your haven’t loved it, always comes with a false sense off security that you will be tempted to hold on to.” Talking about the comfort zone and the fear of taking risks.
“There is nobody else in the universe like you, no one else with your gifts, your style, your wisdom, your exact perspective.”